Fuelling for Fertility

There are so many food misconceptions when it comes to fertility. Get clear, confident, and debunk the fertility nutrition myths with

Dr. Ashley Damm, ND.

I understand how confusing the fertility space can be...

There is so much misinformation, and yet all you want is a healthy beautiful baby, so you’re not sure who to listen to.

I’ve also seen the opposite - you’re working with your fertility doctor or gynecologist with no direction on fertility nutrition, and yet everyone is talking about it. 

Nutrition is a foundational piece of a fertility picture. It provides the building blocks to life, and it should be considered as part of your plan. But it doesn’t need to be difficult or challenging.

Truthfully, after years of treating patients in the fertility world - it is the simple, consistent methods that make the biggest difference. 

I want to show you how.

The problem is...

You're not given clear direction from your doctor on nutrition for fertility

There is an overwhelming amount of info on the internet and you're not sure what to believe

The fertility diet guidelines sound restrictive or hard to implement

You're unsure how these dietary recommendations fit into your day-to-day life

Over the years, I've heard it all..

  • Low-calorie diet
  • Coffee is good, coffee is bad
  • Fats are good, fats are bad
  • Sugar-free, gluten free, dairy free
  • Fertility detox, fertility cleanse, juice cleanses

It's time to quiet the noise and gain some clarity.

This is why I created Fuelling for Fertility.

It’s specifically designed to give you a clear, evidence-based foundation, with a step-by-step framework and resources so you leave with the tool and confidence to eat right for your fertility.

Who is this course for?


Just starting out (preconception care phase) - looking to optimize before they start trying

In active fertility treatments (IVF, IUI etc) - looking to improve egg & sperm quality

Wanting the key essential pieces of building a balanced fertility nutrition plan to support conception and pregnancy

Wanting to debunk fertility diet myths

Working with a fertility doctor or gynecologist and looking for more proactive nutritional guidance to improve their outcomes


What's covered?

Module 1

Nutrition & your hormones

Common misconceptions

How to build a fertility fuelled plate

Module 2

Protein requirements for fertility

How to calculate your needs

Animal vs vegetarian sources

Module 3

Plant foods for fertility

How to support your reproductive microbiome through diet

Common issues with plant forward meals

Module 4

Carbs and Fertility

How to balance your blood sugars

How to determine if you need more blood sugar support

Module 5

Why are fats important for fertility?

Good vs Bad fats

How to confidently choose the right fats?

Module 6

Fertility diet claims

Coffee & fertility?

Should you go gluten-free?

Fertility detoxes and cleanses

What's included

Instant access to a 6-part video series explaining all elements of a balanced, fertility-friendly diet

All the in’s and outs of tailoring the diet to you and debunking the common myths

Workbooks and resources to understand what your body needs, and what to look for when shopping

Confidence in the choices you’re making and why

Recipes and grocery lists so you can get started right away



Hi, I'm Dr. Ashley

I am a naturopathic physician with a focus on fertility and women’s health. I believe women deserve better healthcare. My clinical focus has been supporting couples trying to conceive, from preconception to active fertility treatment and pregnancy. I’ve seen the major gaps in the fertility journey for many people, and I’m on a mission to arm more people with confidence and clarity on their journey to parenthood.

I know what it’s like to go months between appointments, be told to keep trying, and not be given any direction on what else you could be doing. 

We know nutrition is important, and to say it’s not is doing a huge disservice to your care. 

However, not many healthcare providers are trained or qualified to walk you through the fundamentals of nutrition and help you create sustainable ways to fuel your body for conception. 

It is my goal to bridge that gap and have created this online course for you.

Ready to get started?

Commonly asked questoins

How long will I have access to the material?

You will have lifetime access!

I’m not currently trying to conceive - is this course suitable for me?

A big focus of this course is the core foundational pieces for support fertility and hormone health. All of the principles discussed are hormone friendly and can be started today! You have a lifetime access, so you can revisit in the future when ready.

Will I get to work with Dr. Ashley?

 The content delivered is for educational purposes only and no patient-doctor relationship is established. The goal is to arm you with information.

If you would like more specific, 1:1 support from Dr. Ashley, she sees patients online and virtually all across BC. You can learn more info here.

I’m already in an IVF cycle, is this course suitable?

Yes! We discuss nutritional considerations for egg and sperm quality, along with how to support your lining and pregnancy. The information is available immediately, for you to get started right away.

Fuelling for Fertility

A 6-week, self-guided course to give confidence in your fertility nutrition. From preconception to IVF, this course arms you with clarity, and key resources so you can get started right away.

Dr. Ashley Damm, ND - Naturopath Vancouver

Acubalance Wellness Centre

#208-888 W. 8th Ave, Vancouver BC. V5Z3Y1


All rights reserved Dr. Ashley Damm. ND 2024

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